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MommyJ Mommy J Milk Bites High Calcium Probiotic Milk Tablet Susu

RM 26.50

MommyJ® Milk Bites are High Calcium Probiotic Milk Tablet which is made with New Zealand Cow’s Milk. 

There is no extra added any artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. It contain DHA that plays an important role in the brain; and also high in Calcium which helps the growth of strong bones and teeth for your kids. It also contains 10 Billion CFU Probiotics per tablet which support your child’s digestive and immune health.  

INGREDIENT: Formulated New Zealand Cow’s Milk Powder, Probiotics (Lactobacillus Acidophilus & Bifidobacterium) 

Allergen Advice: Milk 

50 Tablets per bottle 

INSTRUCTION: Not suitable for children below 3 years who have trouble chewing due to risk of choking.

这是3岁+的高钙益生菌咀嚼奶片,100%纽西兰牛奶制成,在补钙的同时补充其它元素如DHA,Protein等等,孩子很爱吃! 如果年龄还没到只要咀嚼能力没有问题也可以,年龄限制主要是怕孩子卡着。 每粒大概大拇指甲盖大小,宝宝能咀嚼就行。


100%纽西兰牛奶 高钙 不添加糖和色素 补钙帮助儿童骨骼发育的同时,DHA促进大脑和视力发育与; 益生菌调节肠道菌群、促消化,促进体内菌群平衡,从而让身体更健康。 含牛奶,如过敏,不能吃。

EXP : 2023/03
