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Natural Dried Lotus Leaves 荷叶片茶 20g ( 1 bottle ) Natural Keep fit - Loose weight

RM 3.90


什么时候喝最好?为什么可以减肥? 荷叶茶怎么喝才减肥?


荷叶茶什么时候喝最好? 荷叶茶要在空腹的情况下,或者是饭前半小时饮用。要想使用荷叶茶减肥成功,荷叶的用量是关键。荷叶茶每次用量在15克左右,一天应该喝3次左右。通常情况下,使用10天以上开始见效。如果量太少,效果会非常不明显。 

荷叶茶冲泡方法: 倒一半热水至杯中,浸泡荷叶约5秒,即把水倒掉。再次用热水冲泡满杯,焖5-6分钟,这样荷叶味会更浓。 


1、含荷叶碱 荷叶茶中的荷叶碱中含有多种有效的化脂生物碱,能有效分解体内的脂肪,并且强劲排出体外。荷叶碱能强悍密布人体肠壁上,形成一层脂肪隔离膜,阻止脂肪吸收,防止脂肪堆积。可以改善油腻饮食习惯,其具有较强的油脂排斥功效从而让你对荤腥油腻的食物渐渐产生反感。所以具有优秀的减肥功效及卓越的降脂保健作用。  

2、含大量纤维 荷叶茶里含有大量纤维,可以促使大肠蠕动,有助排便从而可以清除毒素。荷叶茶比一般高纤食物更有利便的效果,直接解决了便秘的烦恼,因此隆起的小腹就会慢慢地变得平坦。 

3、含芳香族化合物 荷叶茶中的芳香族化合物能有效溶解脂肪,化浊去腻防止脂肪积滞体内;维他命B1、C和咖啡因能促进胃液分泌,有助消化与消脂。对于慢性疲劳的压力一族、少喝多动却怎么都瘦不下来的气滞型肥胖更能起到双重瘦身效果。 同时还有极佳的利水功效,久坐少动的上班族、容易水肿、脾虚、气虚的MM们,就要多喝荷叶茶了,当体内多余的脂肪和潴留电解液被排出,人自然就会变瘦了。 

4、含茶瘦素 茶瘦素是一种天然的食欲与能量平衡调节途径的蛋白质成分,不添加任何对身体有害的化学成分,不会导致腹泻和腹痛等副作用。茶瘦素的缺失会抑制新陈代谢,降低能量消耗效率,导致肥胖。而喝荷叶茶能补充人体在肠道消耗的茶瘦素,能提高身体新陈代谢,让你变成易瘦体质。

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Natural Dried Lotus Leaves [20G] 

How to drink lotus leaf tea to lose weight? 

When is the best time to drink? Why can I lose weight? 

The lotus leaf can detoxify and suppress sores. It is a good medicine for lowering fat, clearing away heat, calming and rejuvenating colour, calming and lightening body.

How to drink lotus leaf tea to lose weight? The lotus leaf tea must be strong tea to have the effect of weight loss. If the lotus leaf tea is repeatedly brewed, it will not have the effect of weight loss. Therefore, if you want the lotus leaf tea to have the effect of weight loss, you should drink strong tea. 

When is the best time to drink lotus leaf tea? Lotus leaf tea should be consumed on an empty stomach, or half an hour before meals. To use lotus leaf tea to lose weight successfully, the amount of lotus leaf is the key. The amount of lotus leaf tea is about 15 grams each time, and you should drink it about 3 times a day. Under normal circumstances, use for more than 10 days to start to see results. If the amount is too small, the effect will be very insignificant. 

How to brew lotus leaf tea: Pour half of the hot water into the cup, soak the lotus leaf for about 5 seconds, then pour out the water. Fill the cup with hot water again and steep for 5-6 minutes, so that the lotus leaf flavour will be stronger.
